Are you a forgetful gardener? Chronic vacationer? Then the Zanzibar Gem, or ZZ Plant, may be right for you! This semi-succulent hails from the arid climates of Eastern Africa, so it’s naturally used to enduring drought spells and is a great choice if you have a brown thumb. In addition to how easy it is to care for, these foolproof plants work day and night to purify the air in your home! Here are a few steps you can take to make sure you ZZ Plant is thriving in your home.
Keep the Light Moderate
ZZ Plants thrive in medium, indirect light. It makes for a good office or bathroom plant with its ability to tolerate low light conditions (even florescent lighting). They’re known for their deep-green, waxy leaves, so if you notice that the leaves are turning yellow or curling, its a sign of too much direct or bright light. If the leaves become lighter and more transparent, you’ll want to move your plant to an area that gets more light. To ensure your plant is receiving optimal light at all times, frequently wipe down the leaves and rotate it.
Infrequent Watering Is Best
ZZ Plants are semi-succulents and like the true nature of these types of plants, they don’t require much water. Their fleshy leaves are also great absorbers of moister in the air, so frequent misting will help your plant thrive. In general, these plants only need to be watered every 3-4 weeks. Only when the soil is fully dried out do you need to give this hardy plant another drink. Their root system is especially designed to retain as much water as possible, so overwatering can easily drown this plant. Just remember, when it comes to the ZZ Plant, when in doubt, let it drought!
Remember Routine Care
Like all plants, ZZ Plants with be the healthiest and happiest when they receive routine maintenance. In addition to providing proper levels of light and water, fertilizing this plant through the summer months ensures it’s receiving the proper level of nutrients. If encouraging your plant to grow, repot it in either spring or summer in a planter that is 1-2 inches larger than its current size. ZZ Plants are slow-growning, so you can extend the time between repotting up to 18 months instead of every year. If you prefer a small desk plant, replace the soil and trim the roots, but keep it housed in the same pot.
New to plant care?
The ZZ Plant is a great starter option! Have you heard of this plant before? Do you currently own one or will you put it on your must-haves list? Comment with your thoughts below!
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