3 Tips for When You Bring a New Plant Home

tips for bringing a new plant home

Everyday care for your indoor plants is a fairly straightforward process, but what about those first few days after bringing a new plant home? If you’ve recently purchased an indoor plant, you’ll want to acclimate it first. This is a simple and easy way to give your plant a healthy and stress-free transition into your home. Here are my top three tips:

Tip #1 – Know your plant’s care preferences.
Knowing how to properly care for your new plant is the first step! Look at the accompanying care tag or do a quick search to learn about your plant’s lighting needs, water requirements, and environmental factors (humidity, etc.). This blog has lots of resources on how to care for indoor plants that range from specific plant care to more generalized tips and tricks and how-tos. Understanding what your plant needs will ultimately determine where you’ll place it and, of course, how to care for it!

Tip #2 – Keep your plant temporarily quarantined.
A pest infestation can quickly happen without careful attention when you first bring new plants home. No matter how well cared for your plant was at the nursery or garden center, bugs and diseases can still pose a risk for your other plants. It’s a good idea to keep your new plant in a separate location for 1-2 weeks, so nothing transfers to your existing plants. During this period, check daily for common plant pests and be sure to remove these bugs before moving your plant.

Tip #3 – Find your plant’s ideal location.
The final step of plant transition is to determine the best location for your plant in your home. Plants that enjoy bright light will need to be closer to windows, while plants that prefer low light can camp out most anywhere else. Plants that love humidity will do well in the bathroom or kitchen. For all plants, be sure to avoid areas that are drafty or near vents. Your plant will let you know if its new spot is ideal!

That’s it! Following these simple tips can help your plant thoroughly enjoy its new home from day one. What other ways do you provide some extra care when bringing a new plant home?
