Your Guide to Fertilizing Indoor Plants

fertilizing indoor plants

Does the word “fertilizer” conjure up unpleasant memories of driving past odorous cow pastures all summer long? It could just be my Midwest roots. Thankfully, fertilizing indoor plants is a little different (and a lot less smelly).

Just like humans, houseplants benefit from regular nourishment and the occasional boost of vitamins and minerals. Fertilizer is the extra nutritional support your indoor plants need to remain healthy and lush. It is possible to fertilize plants incorrectly, so you may find this guide helpful:

Back to the Basics
Numerous types of fertilizer exist, so it’s helpful to know what exactly to look for when shopping for your own plants. You want a fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio, usually represented in numbers (15-30-15, for example). These are the key macronutrients all plants need: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. The higher the ratio numbers, the greater the concentration of nutrients, so using a fertilizer specifically for indoor plants is a must. There isn’t a magic formula for fertilizing indoor plants. Just like vitamins we consume, plants will take the nutrients they need and discard the rest.

Pro Tip: The packaging on the fertilizer bottle will headline both the type (houseplants) and the ratio. Look for plant fertilizers that have both macro- and micronutrients not derived from laboratory chemicals.

The Types of Fertilizer
Fertilizing indoor plants can be accomplished in three different ways: solid, liquid, and organic. Solid time-release fertilizer pellets release nutrients into the soil slowly over 3-6 months. Granular fertilizer, either pellets or powders, can be applied every 1-2 months. Liquid fertilizer diluted in water works best when applied bi-weekly or monthly.

If you choose to leave the chemicals behind, go with organic fertilizer, which contains all-natural ingredients. (It may give off a smell.) The important thing to remember when fertilizing indoor plants, is that timing and quantity are often more important than the brand or type of fertilizer. Too much of a good thing can actually harm your plants by burning the roots!

Set a Fertilizing Schedule
While it’s true that all houseplants are different, it’s also true that the majority of plants have similar enough fertilizing requirements to stay on a singular schedule. In most cases, spring and summer are the best times to fertilize. This is when plants are going through a big growth stage. Start fertilizing with half the recommended strength to ease your plants into active growth. During summer, fertilize with the full recommended amount, but only as often as necessary for the fertilizer type you’ve chosen. When plants are dormant in winter, fertilizing can be minimal or postponed until spring.

Tips for Proper Fertilizing
Be careful not to overdo it! Fertilizing can burn plants and do more harm than good. If you’re unsure, always dilute fertilizer or use less than the recommended amount. Fertilizer won’t help a plant on the precipice of death and may even damage it as it’s struggling to revive itself (give it some water, sun, and a little TLC first). Be careful about light levels. The less light, the slower the growth, and the less fertilizer a plant will need. The good news is that even a little nutrients can go a long way in helping your plant grow healthy and happy!

What fertilizers do you like best? Or are you intimidated by the thought of fertilizing indoor plants? Tell me in the comments!
