Answering Your Top Plant Care Questions

tricolor stromanthe plant care questions

Last week, I asked all of you over on my Instagram feed to comment about your most pressing plant care questions. I’ve had my fair share of plant care woes over the years (attempting to nurse above plant back to optimal health), so I can related to many of your concerns. A few general tips I think are helpful for myself and may benefit you, too, are:

  • Learn about each of your plants so you know the sunlight, water, and soil type they need as well as tips for fertilizing and propagating
  • Brush up on your knowledge of common pests and diseases now and then so you can take action at the first sign of trouble
  • Check on your plants often to look for signs of distress, such as curling or yellow leaves, in case you need to change up their care routine

Side Note: Let’s be friends! If you’re not already following me on social media, head over to Instagram and search for @apottedlifeblog! You’ll get a few more plant care tips and lots more photos throughout the week.

Now, on to your plant care questions!

“How can I keep my succulents from getting ‘leggy’?”
Succulents need lots of sunlight each day (4-6 hours) to stay healthy and grow properly. While some succulents stretch out and become naturally ‘leggy’ as they grow, you can test whether yours is getting tall and lanky because it needs more sun. Are the stems of your succulent also weak (soft and bendy)? Is it losing its vibrant color? Most likely a ‘leggy’ succulent with these other characteristics isn’t getting adequate light. Try moving your plant to a window that receives at least a few hours of bright light each day or invest in a grow light if your home doesn’t get much natural light. You won’t be able to fix how your succulent looks (aside from propagating it), but you will ensure that it’s now happy and healthy!

“How much space should I give my plants in a raised bed garden?”
Garden plants, such as bell pepper plants, that are large and grow big fruits should be planted about 11″ inches apart. These sun-loving plants prefer wide spacing that allows greater air flow to minimize moisture or shade on their leaves. This is especially important in warm, humid climates with fluctuating temperatures. Overcrowded pepper plants in these weather conditions are at risk for powdery mildew. This fungal disease spreads a white powder on the leaves and sends out spores that can quickly spread the disease to other plants. Treating this problem with baking soda may help restore your plant’s health. Be sure to properly space your plants in well-draining soil and water from the base to keep leaves dry. During peak growing season, bell peppers also prefer consistently moist soil, which you can encourage by adding a top layer of mulch.

“Why do my succulents get wrinkly?”
Distressed leaves in succulents can generally be attributed to two things: overwatering or underwatering. There are subtle differences, so it’s important to know what to look for. Overwatering: if you’re giving your succulent too much water, the leaves may begin to wrinkle, but they’ll also appear mushy and transparent. Too much water will cause the leaves to blacken around the center of the plant and eventually fall off (they’ll easily fall if bumped, too). Set your succulent in a sunny window and let the soil dry out completely before watering again. Underwatering: if you’re giving your succulent too little water, the leaves will also wrinkle, but they’ll also start to shrivel and look deflated. Too little water will cause the leaves to dry up and brown from the base up, and the whole succulent will look wilted. Give your succulent a thorough watering and check the soil more frequently. With a little TLC, your succulent has a better chance of bouncing back!

“My Arizona plants are dead.”
It can be difficult to effectively diagnose why a plant didn’t survive (learn more here). But in most cases, this is the result of a problems between the plant care, the climate, and the plant itself. Certain plants that thrive in hot, dry climates will have trouble growing in cold climates and vice versa. When purchasing outdoor plants, first research native plant species as these will be most suited to thrive in your particular climate. Then, learn about their sun and water requirements and if they need a certain type of soil. This will help you know where to put your plant and how often it needs your attention. If indoor plants are suffering, this is more often attributed to a water or sun issue as temperatures inside homes are more temperate and rarely fluctuate. Learning about your indoor plant can also ensure it has the proper conditions to grow and remain healthy!

Phew! I hope answering your questions has given you enough insight to make some slight alterations to your plant care routine. If you’re still having trouble, tell me in the comments!


2 thoughts on “Answering Your Top Plant Care Questions

  1. Will this be a regular series? If I hadn’t missed the question, I would’ve loved to know how to contain squash plants – they take over my garden every year! ;p

    1. I hope so! I mentioned it on my Instagram account, but I’ll be sure to alert my blog readers here as well 🙂

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