Mammy Croton: The Bright, Tropical, Sun-Loving Plant

mamey croton plant

Mammy Croton. Such an outer space-like name doesn’t immediately have me envisioning the bright and tropical plant pictured above. Despite its unfortunate name, Mammy Croton plants are a much-loved shrub of southern states and can be found making a statement in all-green landscapes.

I was gifted one of these exotic plants for my birthday, and have since enjoyed studying its twirling, rubbery leaves and unique color patterns. Since many of the plants in my home are green, I’m glad for the tropical touch this plant brings to my ever growing collection of greenery.

Want a Croton for yourself? Follow these easy care instructions to keep your new plant happy:

colors of mamey croton

Let in the Sunlight
Mammy Croton plants have their origins in South India, growing best in hardiness Zone 10 (parts of California, Arizona, and South Florida). The Mammy Croton produces the brightest colored leaves when left in full sun. Without enough light, these plants will grow tall and lanky, with dull colored leaves.

Consider the Climate
Mammy Croton plants enjoy a more tropical climate. They thrive in humid conditions and don’t mind being outdoors in sultry conditions. It’s no wonder this sun-loving plant is a popular choice for southern landscaping. While you can grow these plants in northern states, it’s best to keep them in pots. That way, you can bring them indoors when temperatures fall below freezing. Just remember to place them where they can receive as much bright light as possible during the winter months.

Water with Care
Though Mammy Croton plants are tropical by nature, they can tolerate drought conditions when it comes to watering. They prefer that their dirt dries out fully between waterings. Like most plants, Crotons should never sit in wet soil or soil that has been dry for a long period of time. If leaves begin falling off, it’s most likely because the soil is either too wet or too dry.

If you buy one of these fun tropical plants, be sure to follow these basic guidelines for keeping it healthy and happy. You’ll be able to enjoy their vibrant colors for years to come.
